We are delighted and honoured that the Municipal Gallery of Litomyšl has taken over the works of the exhibited artists from the Museum Montanelli.
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We are delighted and honoured that the Municipal Gallery of Litomyšl has taken over the works of the exhibited artists from the Museum Montanelli.
more ›In a series of paintings, assemblages, spatial objects and installations created in the last few years Daniel Pešta analyses the “evil gene” encoded in the deep essence of some individuals who fundamentally affect the fate of others. How is it possible that, after all the horrific experiences humanity has endured, evil is allowed to explode again and again with escalating ferocity?
more ›We say goodbye to the most successful exhibition of recent years and look forward to meeting you in October together with twenty women artists who will talk about love.
Artistic creativeness is not immune to burning or broken hearts, not least when it comes to female artists, sculptors or painters who have found their fixed and autonomous place in the world of art.
more ›Free books and catalogues from love?
Dangerous love?
On the occasion of Museum Night, we cordially invite you to join us at the museum where you can enjoy a candlelight toast and refreshments….
We look forward to seeing you there!
Museum Montanelli
Nerudova 13, 110 00 Praha 1
We would be delighted to welcome you to our New Year’s meetings during the week of 4 January to 8 January 2023. Come and join us for Christmas cake, coffee, tea or a glass of wine if you want to celebrate 2023 with art.
The exhibition MYTHOS? will remain open for you until the end of May 2023.
(illustration: Alessandro Sicioldr, La Carezza, 2016)
Mythos through the eyes of twenty contemporary and classical artists.
more ›The exhibition is more than a celebration and the expression of our admiration for the extraordinary person of the Czech neurosurgeon, Professor Vladimír Beneš. We aim to reveal this remarkable man’s passion for entomology and collecting.
more ›The catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition in Museum Montanelli.
more ›Museum Montanelli cordially invites you to the launch of the exhibition catalogue – Legenda in MeMoriam, Cornelia Renz & Belle Shafir January 29, 2020 at 6 p.m.
Part of the evening will be the dance performance on the theme of the exhibition by Belle Shafir. Both artists, Belle Shafir and Cornelia Renz, as well as the exhibition’s curators Dadja Altenburg-Kohl and Hagai Segev will be present.
Video from the current exhibition – interviews with artists and curators.
more ›One of the main themes of the Legenda in MeMoriam project is a study of the processing of collective as well as individual traumas through art.
more ›Petr Dejmek, Bedřich Dlouhý, Ludmila Jandová, Olga Karlíková, Miroslav Koval, Anežka Kovalová, Kryštof Krejča, Jakub Nepraš, Daniel Pešta, Anke Röhrscheid, Paulina Skavová, Richard Štipl, Kai Teichert, Rosemarie Trockel, Anna Zemánková
more ›Pavla Aubrechtová, Václav Bláha, Magdalena Bláhová, Hugo Demartini, Teresa Diehl, Bedřich Dlouhý, Galli, Vladimír Gebauer, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Katharina Gun Oehlert, Candida Höfer, Sopho Chkhikvadze, Jiří Kolář, Běla Kolářová, Radek Kratina, Sigalit Landau, Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, Daniel Pešta, Luboš Plný, Cornelia Renz, Paulina Skavova, Ulrike Rosenbach, Pavel Roučka, Volker Sieben, Adriena Šimotová, Kai Teichert, Jitká Válová, Květa Válová, Anna Zemánková
more ›Traditionally, the second Saturday in June belongs to museums and galleries in Prague. Come and visit MuMo during this magical night!
FREE admission and transport
The collaboration at the East of Eden exhibition at Museum Montanelli connects three different sections and two artists. Brimming with light and contrast, the symbolism culminates in The Finale, a multimedia work presenting a brand-new form of artistic collaboration.
more ›Passion, enigmatic figures, fabled beasts and mysterious symbols from European mythology. You will see oil paintings, drawing and objects from the studio of the German painter ANTOINETTE who has been seeking the cultural identity of our continent for 30 years already.
more ›Please allow us to invite you to a guided tour and a launch of the catalogue of the Mythos Europa exhibition.
more ›Traditionally, the second Saturday in June belongs to museums and
galleries in Prague. Come and visit MuMo during this magical night!
FREE admission and transport
The last weekend in April will be for those who are interested in the current Prague art scene and culture.
more ›The newly discovered works by the painter Ludmila Jandová are timeless, topical, full of mysteries and installed in an extraordinary way.
more ›The first Gallery Weekend Prague 2017 will take place in Prague with over two dozen Prague galleries!
more ›Vladimír Novák first emerged on the Czech art scene in the 1970s with emphatic and expressive paintings that represented a return to the figure. The exhibition at the Museum Montanelli aims to be a dialogue between Novák’s most recent and his oldest work.
more ›Pavel Roučka’s exhibition at the Museum Montanelli presents the established but constantly experimental work of a painter in his prime.
more ›Museum Montanelli launches the new exhibition season on 13 September 2016 with an exhibition by Václav Bláha.
The exhibition is being organized on the occasion of what would have been the 80th birthday of former Czech president Václav Havel and will be held as part of the Václav Havel Library’s HAVEL@80 program.
more ›We cordially invite you to guided tour of Substantia Nigra exhibition with curator Dadja Altenburg Kohl, 11 May 2016 at 5 pm.
more ›Desire, Passion, the Unconscious! Museum Montanelli presents erotic works of art full of mystery, sophisticated sensuality and organic delight. Artist Kai Teichert has also created several large-format murals for the museum.
more ›In this monographic exhibition, artist Kai Teichert explores his own inner strength. Following an imaginary beam of light, he sets out on a journey into his innermost self in an attempt at breaking free from rational perception.
The exhibition was supported by Czech-German Future Fund.
more ›“Crossroads,” the new joint project by ABCD and the Museum Montanelli, presents works by three contemporary international art brut artists who share a common theme: the city as a place that defines our lives.
more ›At the prestigious Personal Structures exhibition, the Czech Republic is represented by Daniel Pešta and his projects entitled Annunciation and Nocturnal Head Records.
more ›The interactive NaFilM (“National Film Museum”) exhibition project aims to introduce visitors to Czech film. Come to discover the mystery of the film image, sound and noise.
more ›Did you know that films were never silent? Or that firefighters were among the first cinephiles? Come and find out at the Museum Montanelli located right in the center of Prague! We want to show you that film is not just what you see in the cinema.
more ›The new exhibition aims to reflect the broad range of Bedřich Dlouhý’s work, with a particular focus on recent works.
more ›The Museum Montanelli has received the unique opportunity to present a loan of a unique collection of 52 drawings, engravings, and lithographs by that “visionary of modernity”, predecessor to expressionism and surrealism, Belgian painter and graphic artist James Ensor (1860-1949).
more ›An exhibition by multimedia artist Daniel Pešta, whose work was featured in the 2013 Venice Biennale, will now be exhibited comprehensively for the first time in the Czech Republic. The project, which is dominated by two large-format pieces of video art, is about the phenomenon of the Romani issue and individuals’ attitudes toward it.
more ›For the first time ever, leading Icelandic artist Sigrún Ólafsdóttir will present her work in the Czech Republic.
more ›The third joint project of the Museum Montanelli and the ABCD Civic Association oriented towards spontaneously created art works is focused on contemporary Japanese art brut. The works of the artists who will be represented during the MuMo exhibition have been shown successfully in previous years in the Collection de l‘art brut museum in Lausanne in Switzerland and subsequently in Paris at the Halle Saint Pierre Museum.
more ›Exhibition from the DrAK Foundation collection
M. Bláhová, V. Bláha, K. Heilmayer, K.G.Oehlert, D. Pešta, P. Roučka, P. Skavová, A. Šimotová, J. Zrzavý
more ›On the premises of the Sala del Camino in the former monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian two videoarts will be presented under the title I WAS BORN IN YOUR BED, as well as the cycle of painted portraits of Roma children performing in the videoart entitled I AM A GYPSY, AND YOU?
more ›Výstava Umění uprostřed katastrofy (Kunst in der Katastrophe) představuje výsledek dlouholeté spolupráce Muzea Montanelli a Centra pronásledovaného umění při Muzeu umění Solingen. Různí autoři se svými díly snaží upozornit na situaci politicky a kulturně pronásledovaných umělců, vyzývají k empatii, žádají základní demokratické hodnoty a volají po toleranci vůči odlišnému smýšlení.
more ›Katharina Gun Oehlert in the Museum Montanelli. On display will be her paintings and objects.
more ›The Anatomia Metamorphosis project is devoted to three Czech creators of art brut.
more ›Two parallel exhibitions, which will receive their Prague premieres in MuMo, will acquaint the visitor with two opposing poles of Czech spontaneous art.
more ›“Forbidden Castle” presents a selection of work by Xu Zhen, one of the most radical and humorous artists working in China today.
more ›The guest of the Montanelli Museum of Prague is the collection of paintings from the Museum of Persecuted Arts in Solingen.
more ›Both artists, Pavla Aubrechtová and Vladimír Gebauer, belong to the generation arriving on the scene in the oppressive atmosphere of the mid-1970s, when freedom of speech was limited in all artistic fields. It continues to explore the experimental trends of the 1960s.The exhibition in the Montanelli Museum offers an entirely new and exceptional glimpse at the life and work of both these authors.
more ›Between 17. 9. 2011 and 27. 11. 2011 the Felix-Nussbaum-Haus / Museum of Modern Art Osnabrück will be presenting an authorial exhibition by the Czech artist Daniel Pešta. His works will be displayed in the historical part of the museum as well as in the new premises opened this year, which were designed by the American architect Daniel Libeskind.
more ›The exhibition presents works by two already world-renowned Czech authors of art brut – Anna Zemánková (1908 – 1986) and Luboš Plný (*1961) in company with those of the newly discovered artist František Dymáček (1929 – 2003). The selection of works is aimed at the reflecting of corporeality in their artistic creations and at the formal or contentual parallels connecting the works of all these three authors.
more ›Dürer’s portrayal of the Virgin Mary in a dialogue with contemporary art.
The “Maria Maria 1511/2011” exhibition is the result of a collaboration between the Montanelli Museum in Prague and the Felix Nussbaum House/Museum of Cultural History in Osnabrück, who will loan Prague their collection of graphic works by Albrecht Dürer which forms the core of the exhibition.
Museum Montanelli in Prague presents a hitherto unseen collection of works by the Czech artist Daniel Pešta. The exhibition will include objects, videos, installations, hanging pictures, spatial images and drawings.
more ›Pavel Roučka is that rare artist whose work has long continued to increase in expressiveness and monumentality. Although he originally emerged from the New Figuration, he gradually broke free of diverse influences in order to achieve his own unmistakable form of expression.
more ›The monographic exhibition of Bedřich Dlouhý /Self-portrait V., subtitled King of Art 1. reflects the artist’s works, which mostly come from the collection of the DrAK Foundation. Dlouhý´s steady artistic brushwork unifies the exhibition through the element of the aesthetics of strangeness, which became an integral part of Dlouhý´s works thanks to his activity in the art group Šmidrové (Lazy Eyes), and due to the difficult post-war period, during which Dlouhý´s artistic expression was profiled.
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