The terrifying and enchanting objects of Daniel Pešta in Venice

Palazzo Bembo, Venice

At the prestigious Personal Structures exhibition, the Czech Republic is represented by Daniel Pešta and his projects entitled Annunciation and Nocturnal Head Records.

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I was born in your bed

Daniel Pešta


An exhibition by multimedia artist Daniel Pešta, whose work was featured in the 2013 Venice Biennale, will now be exhibited comprehensively for the first time in the Czech Republic. The project, which is dominated by two large-format pieces of video art, is about the phenomenon of the Romani issue and individuals’ attitudes toward it.

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Art amidst the Catastrophe

Daniel Pešta

Berlin, Deutscher Bundestag

Výstava Umění uprostřed katastrofy (Kunst in der Katastrophe) představuje výsledek dlouholeté spolupráce Muzea Montanelli a Centra pronásledovaného umění při Muzeu umění Solingen. Různí autoři se svými díly snaží upozornit na situaci politicky a kulturně pronásledovaných umělců, vyzývají k empatii, žádají základní demokratické hodnoty a volají po toleranci vůči odlišnému smýšlení.

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Daniel Pešta

MuMo Praha

Museum Montanelli in Prague presents a hitherto unseen collection of works by the Czech artist Daniel Pešta. The exhibition will include objects, videos, installations, hanging pictures, spatial images and drawings.

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Prague Biennale 4

Maja Bajevic, Sigalit Landau, Daniel Pešta, Ulrike Rosenbach

Karlínská hala, Praha
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Daniel Pešta

Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück

Between 17. 9. 2011 and 27. 11. 2011 the Felix-Nussbaum-Haus / Museum of Modern Art Osnabrück will be presenting an authorial exhibition by the Czech artist Daniel Pešta. His works will be displayed in the historical part of the museum as well as in the new premises opened this year, which were designed by the American architect Daniel Libeskind.

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Gravitation Zero

Daniel Pešta (with a homage to Pina Bausch)

Museum of art in Solingen
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I was born in your bed

Venice, Italy

On the premises of the Sala del Camino in the former monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian two videoarts will be presented under the title I WAS BORN IN YOUR BED, as well as the cycle of painted portraits of Roma children performing in the videoart entitled I AM A GYPSY, AND YOU?

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