Prague Biennale 4

Maja Bajevic, Sigalit Landau, Daniel Pešta, Ulrike Rosenbach

Karlínská hala, Praha 14/5/2009 – 26/9/2010

Wo-man power

An imaginary row of women and an imaginary row of men as witnesses to the moment of human and posthumous being. Feminism is existential. Every artist of this type is distinctive and irreplaceable. Expressive or introvert and self-contained, a collective spirit or strictly private. A kind of humanitarian symbiosis runs through the work of certain artists who by their work long ago crossed the boundaries of the lands that they come from.

Societies objecting to nonsensical dictates, calling for freedom and independence, protesting against violence and the abuse of power. A passage that expresses a longing for the world where every individual has the right to develop its own personality.

The contemporary visual arts, including video, photography, painting and sculpture in their quality and interest act in a large way as testimony to the feminist artistic movement which originated at the beginning of the Seventies.

The development of the feverish activism of those years has had a lasting impact, which we can still see in today’s global world. The geographical origin of this art, i.e. the western part of our world view, long ago lost its exclusive meaning. Feminist tendencies have now expanded strongly to countries of the east and have taken on a new political import, in many cases dangerous for the artist itself. Women in countries which still live in conflict or where religiousness has turned into fanaticism, are seeking their identity and their self-consciousness takes shape and tend to be defined in a more elementary way than it does in more stable political systems.

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    Art treasures from the Patrik Šimon collection


    The Patrik Šimon collection comprises twenty thousand artworks and encompasses many centuries and many cultures. It is a rich source of knowledge for this astute art historian and collector, whose aim is to present to as wide a public as possible works of old masters in dialogue with cultures you would not expect to see represented in an exhibition of mediaeval madonnas and Baroque splendours.

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