Substantia Nigra

Kai Teichert

MuMo Praha 23/3/2016 – 3/7/2016

In this monographic exhibition, artist Kai Teichert explores his own inner strength. Following an imaginary beam of light, he sets out on a journey into his innermost self in an attempt at breaking free from rational perception. In so doing, he proceeds carefully, intuitively, with a focus on the emotional reasons for his actions and without trying to find any concrete solutions. The resulting works are silent imaginary witnesses to his own subconscious that exist in various stagings while bringing to life a new universe of symbolic intimations and mythological meaning. Passion and its visual projection become intertwined in a kind of opulent stage dialogue. These sceneries reveal our innermost fantasies, which each of us must constantly navigate on our own.

An article of Goethe Institut in Prague


Českoněmecký fond budoucnosti
Art in Motion
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    Art treasures from the Patrik Šimon collection


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