La Grande Bellezza

Art treasures from the Patrik Šimon collection


The Patrik Šimon collection comprises twenty thousand artworks and encompasses many centuries and many cultures. It is a rich source of knowledge for this astute art historian and collector, whose aim is to present to as wide a public as possible works of old masters in dialogue with cultures you would not expect to see represented in an exhibition of mediaeval madonnas and Baroque splendours.

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Die Liebe bleibt, auch die gefährliche

Wir freuen uns und fühlen uns geehrt, dass die Städtische Galerie Litomyšl die Werke der ausgestellten Künstler aus dem Museum Montanelli.

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Something is wrong

Daniel Pešta

Tana Art Space, Venice, Italy

In a series of paintings, assemblages, spatial objects and installations created in the last few years Daniel Pešta analyses the „evil gene“ encoded in the deep essence of some individuals who fundamentally affect the fate of others. How is it possible that, after all the horrific experiences humanity has endured, evil is allowed to explode again and again with escalating ferocity?

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Die Nacht der Museen 2024

15. Juni 2024
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Aufregung im Museum Montanelli!

Das tschechische Fernsehen drehte ein Interview mit dem Professor für Neurochirurgie Vladimír Benes über Medizin, Käfer und das Leben!

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Vom Mythos zu „Dangerous Love“ im Museum Montanelli

Wit beenden eine der erfolgreichsten Ausstellungen der letzten Jahre und freuen uns auf sie zusammen mit 20 Künstlerinnen,welche übet die Liebe sprechen werden.

Introducing our new TV MuMo channel

We will take you through several years of important projects and exhibitions which we have presented in the Czech Republic. In due course you can look forward to more videos of our activities abroad and especially to the currently installed exhibition “The Professor Beneš’ Cabinet of Mysteries“ which, for the time being, remains a great secret.


10 Jahre MuMo



120 Künstler / 26 Ausstellungen
30 internationale Kooperationen
65 000 Besucher

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Interview: Dadja Altenburg-Kohl

Elle Decoration

“I don’t want to just store art in a depositary where nobody will see it. Personal relationships with artists mean more to me – talking about art and sharing and creating thematic projects.”

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The Book National Theatre Foyer

The book presents the works of art that are to be found in the historical building of the National Theatre in Prague. In it you will find chapters dedicated to the history and restoration of the pictures hanging on the walls of the foyer of the theatre. The book contains a rich array of photographs and comes complete with a DVD containing conversations with the personalities involved in the restoration of the foyer.

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