The DrAK Foundation

The DrAK Foundation was founded in 2006 by Professor Dr. Dadja Altenburg-Kohl.

I realise that all things in this world are related in one way or another—all spiritual and material values, culture and health. And I have decided to use my time here to try and make a sensible contribution to this exceedingly complex system.”

Dadja Altenburg-Kohl


Mission & Goals

The foundation seeks to:

  • Promote projects in the field of culture and arts.
  • Promote health prevention projects and programmes.
  • Run Museum Montanelli (MuMo).

Museum Montanelli owes its existence to a woman of great insight and civic engagement, a doctor and entrepreneur who saw the sign of the times. Art needs freedom more than anything else. It is therefore of vital importance that august government institutions founded to promote art are complemented by independent artistic initiatives of the “civic society”. Today’s Europe, a continent of flawless rules and regulations, programmes, provisions and detailed directives, urgently needs a counterbalance—a spontaneous Europe, unplanned and surprising. Moreover, it is a good sign for the future that the museum’s founder is at home in two different cultures. The Czech and German cultures, closely intertwined over many centuries, became alienated during the rise of nationalist feelings in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, the door of friendship opened once again in 1989 and new cultural ties can now be established. And what can be more encouraging than meetings of creative artists? Art has never known limits and boundaries. Today, the distance between Prague, Vienna, Berlin and Paris can be easily traversed by a mere thought. It only has to be the right thought. Clearly, Dadja Altenburg-Kohl has found it. She has been presenting contemporary art in a historical context and offering a unique venue for people interested in a transdisciplinary dialogue. Here, arts, literature and theatre, but also holistic medical and ecological views of humanity are coming into the limelight. Thanks to the DrAK Foundation, founded by Dadja Altenburg-Kohl.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Stölzl
Former Senator for Culture of the City-State of Berlin



Nadace DrAK
Nerudova 250/13    
118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic


Registered in the Foundation Register, maintained by the Ministry of Justice in Prague,
Section N, Insert 612
ID Number: 276 33 934

Tel.:+420 257 531 220
Mob.: +420 724 211 584


Bank Account:

UniCredit Bank
IBAN: CZ5227 0000 00000 5166 16009
Swift code: BACXCZPP
Account No.: 516 616 009/2700


  • La Grande Bellezza

    Art treasures from the Patrik Šimon collection


    The Patrik Šimon collection comprises twenty thousand artworks and encompasses many centuries and many cultures. It is a rich source of knowledge for this astute art historian and collector, whose aim is to present to as wide a public as possible works of old masters in dialogue with cultures you would not expect to see represented in an exhibition of mediaeval madonnas and Baroque splendours.

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